First, I want to share with you the awesome results that participants in Perfect Weight America's Healthy Toledo pilot program achieved. I hope these encourage you that you can do it too!
Check out these awesome stats from Perfect Weight America's website:
"The results of Healthy Toledo—both measured and anecdotal—were quite significant. The 126 participants lost over 1,700 pounds, improved their blood pressure, and decreased their body fat and Body Mass Index in just eleven weeks. The average weight loss among the 126 participants was 13.5 pounds. In addition:
| The Top 3 Participants (ranked by weight loss) decreased their weight by an average of 43.7 pounds. |
| The top half of participants (63 PARTICIPANTS) lost an average of 20 pounds. |
| The 80 individuals whose Body Mass Index placed them in the "obese" or "overweight" body type category lost an average of 16.7 pounds. |
Do you want to have results like these in this New Year?
Then I have a giveaway to help you do just that, sponsored by Garden of Life!
Garden of Life has a revolutionary product designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals- without stimulating your central nervous system and causing jitters and sleeplessness like many "diet pills" do.
FucoThin is a whole food supplement that increases your body's metabolic rate, which essentially stokes your internal fires and causes you to burn fat!
And the best part about FucoThin is that it's made from a potent compound found in seaweed, combined with pomegranate seed oil. It is actually high in antioxidants too!
I know someone who could not lose a stubborn 10 pounds after having a baby. She took FucoThin faithfully, and steadily dropped the weight. Sometimes our bodies just need a little extra boost!
FucoThin can do just that, and it's designed to work in conjunction with following the Perfect Weight America food and healthy lifestyle plan. (So make sure to pick up a copy of the book!)
To enter the contest for a FREE FucoThin bottle, just leave a comment with:
1) Your name
2) Your health goals for 2011
3) Which of Garden of Life's Weight Management supplements you think could help you achieve your health/ weight loss goals this year!
The contest will start today, and will end on Friday night at 12 a.m. CST. The winner will be announced on Monday's blog entry. (January 10th) Happy winning everyone!
Note: The lucky winner will have three days to contact me, or another winner will be chosen. Duplicate entries will be deleted.
My name is Heather :) :)
My goal for 2011 is to get back down to the weight I was at a few years ago. I was at my happiest at that point. Plus, I want to get healthy so I can hopefully minimize some of the affects of having ulcerative proctitis. I want to look/feel good again :) :)
I really like "Perfect Meal" I LOVE shakes...and sometimes I'm busy or I just don't want to c ook..but I need something to eat/drink. I think this would be a good alterantive if time is busy :) :)
Thanks for letting me participate in the giveaway :) :) Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Name: Karen Shore
Health goals for 2011: Changing how I prepare meals for my family... starting with homemade breads,and creating meals from scratch. Also making contaminant- free deodorant and toothpaste for the health of my family. After gaining an extreme amount of weight due to lack of exercise and healthy eating, I have developed such pain in my joints & muscles that its become a vicious cycle of not moving... not losing the weight.
Garden of Life's Weight Management supplements I think could help:
Since I am not too familiar with this product I believe that anything that would assist in my energy and metabolism with be greatly beneficial.
My name is Abby, and I'm really entering for my Dad, who is very overweight. He is very motivated to lose weight, though, and has drastically changed his eating habits! He's doing the Maker's Diet very faithfully...I think the FucoThin would be helpful for him.
Name: Mindy Martin
My goal is to finally lose my "baby weight." I don't think I can really call it that anymore though because my son is 4 years old now. But I have 40-50 lbs. to lose and they are so stubborn. I just started on The Maker's Diet for weight loss and my hubby and I love it!
I definitely want the fucoTHIN supplements.
Thank you!
I would love to drop another 20lbs. I lost 30 last year but I am at a standstill and nothing seems to be working. I would love to have the opportunity to try Fucothin.
I actually don't want to lose any weight but I am focusing on fitness and activity level! This year will be the year of consistent work outs and a stronger Momma!
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