Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why I Love Cloth Diapers: Part 4

All right, so now that I've talked about how MUCH I love cloth diapers, let me share with you the system that is working great for our family right now.

As I said, when I got started cloth diapering (or cd'ing as many moms like to say) I used gdiapers with prefolds. (See previous post for more on the types of cloth diapers) This was a great way for us to get started. Nathaniel was an older baby, at this point he was only needing a diaper change 4-5 x a day. I truly fell in love right away. It was so nice to not have to worry about running out of diapers, ordering diapers, spending money on diapers, etc... I didn't use disposable wipes right away. In fact, even after I was already in love with cd'ing, I still felt wary about using cloth wipes. That was the next step. Finally I decided it was silly to be ordering wipes and not diapers, so I bought some awesome Baby Kicks wipes from Amazon.

I fell in love all over again! Nathaniel always had some type of rash with the disposable wipes- not so once his little behind was getting truly clean each diaper change! I bought a couple 99 cent spray bottles at Walmart and diluted some of my favorite soap (what we use for body wash and practically everything else) called Miracle Soap. I thought it would be a hassle to have to spray a wipe, but it's really not a big deal. You can also use an old disposable wipes container to keep the wipes moist if you want to just be able to grab and go. Or you can buy a wipes warmer. Prince Lionheart has a great one for cloth wipes.

Once Micah was only a few months away from being born, I thought about what type of cloth diapers I wanted to use for him. I decided that I wanted to use Bummi's organic prefolds,

and Little Beetle organic one size wool diaper covers. Wool is a truly amazing material. I'll have to write a post on wool all by itself. Our bed is actually made of wool. More on that some other time! Anyway, I wanted Micah to have 100% certified organic, natural fabrics for his diapers. No polyester anywhere, baby. These Little Beetle covers are amazing- they come in cute colors, they are one size, and they're organic merino wool, so they'll last forever. They are also machine washable which is a really nice perk. Most wool is hand wash only. Another thing I love about wool is the fact that urine reacts with the lanolin in the diapers, which produces a natural anti-bacterial soap. Neat, huh? So it's nice that when the diapers just get peed on, they don't start to smell, and you don't have to wash them until they get soiled. If they're super wet you just air it out a little and put it back in the rotation.

You might be wondering why I chose to use prefolds. Prefolds are known as the "O.G." type of diaper in the cloth diapering world. They're usually what people dread when they think of cloth diapering. But using prefolds with a wrap diaper cover is actually really easy. And you don't have to use pins or snappi's. (Wrap= any diaper cover with snaps or velcro)

The main reason I decided to go with prefolds was because it was the cheapest way to go 100% organic. Some of the organic all in one and fitted diapers can run $30 a piece, and you need to get at least 30 of them. I didn't want that steep of an initial investment, so I decided to go with prefolds. Another plus of prefolds is that they don't have any cute design/patterns on them, so I really don't care if they're ultimately kept totally clean and spotless. I don't rinse them off in any way whatsoever before putting them in my diaper bag. And I don't mind that they sit there for days a time since I have enough to only do laundry 2x per week. It's nice to save myself any extra steps.

The last things I needed to decide were what wool wash I would use, and what I would store the dirty diapers in. I also scoured the Internet searching for the absolute best price for everything I needed. Tomorrow I will conclude my series on cloth diapers with a discussion about my favorite cloth diaper accessories and the best websites I've found!

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