Only two more days to go, and we'll be done with the Extraordinary Food List! I hope this has been helpful for you!
Here are my recommendations for grains, sweeteners, beans, & nuts and seeds!
(The Extraordinary Food List is taken from page 58 of the Great Physician's RX for Health & Wellness by Jordan Rubin)
Grains & Starchy Carbohydrates: (Organic, and whole grains and flours should be soaked for six to twelve hours before cooking) Note: These grains can be easily purchased at your local health food store. I'll list our family's favorite brands where applicable!
Sprouted Ezekiel- type bread Our family loves Food for Life's Ezekiel's bread in the red package, and we love the sesame variety as well! (Green)
Fermented whole grain sourdough bread Alvarado Street Bakery makes some awesome organic sprouted sourdough breads!
Sprouted whole grain cereal Our family doesn't really eat cereal, but when we do, we eat Food for Life's Ezekiel sprouted cereal.
Quinoa (Soaked) You can buy organic quinoa from any health food store. Just make sure you soak it, as quinoa is exceptionally high in phytates.
Amaranth (Soaked)
Buckwheat (Soaked)
Millet (Soaked)
Unheated raw honey Our family's FAVORITE brand is Really Raw Honey, which you can buy at some health food stores, or you can order online.
Date Sugar
Beans & Legumes: (Soaked for 12+ hours)
(You can easily buy any of these beans or legumes from your health food store- just look for packages, or buy them in the bulk section. A favorite snack of our family is soaked pinto beans, cooked in the crockpot for 12+ hours, and topped with sour cream and raw cheese. Yum!)
One note: just make sure the beans or legumes you are buying come from the U.S.- some beans are from China, even organic ones!
Black beans
Kidney Beans
Navy beans
White beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Split peas
Garbanzo Beans
Lima Beans
Broad Beans
Black-eyed peas
Nuts and Seeds: (Organic, raw, and soaked)
(You can easily buy any of these nuts from your health food store- just look for packages, or buy them in the bulk section. A favorite snack of our family is sprouted almonds with raw cheese!)
Almonds (raw or dry roasted)
Pumpkin seeds (raw or dry roasted)
Hemp seeds (raw)
Flaxseeds (raw and ground)
Sunflower seeds (raw or dry roasted)
Almond butter (raw or roasted)
Tahini (raw or roasted)
Pumpkin seed butter (raw or roasted)
Hemp seed buter (raw)
Sunflower butter (raw or roasted)
Walnuts (raw or dry roasted)
Macadamia nuts (raw or dry roasted)
Pecans (raw or dry roasted)
Hazelnuts (raw)
Brazil nuts (raw)
1 comment:
Hello! Just because I haven't been commenting doesn't mean I'm not here reading your great blogs!
I found in the freezer section at Central Market their sprouted breads! It is right by the Ezekeil breads! I tried the Cinnamin and Raisen. I haven't tried the plain. I just know that that it was lighter feeling than the Ezekeil. Probably because it wasn't a combination of grains and legumes. Don't know. But...it was good!
I also use sparingly...Rapadura sugar.
Also a comment on the beans. I soaked and sprouted ome pinto beans like it said in the Sally Fallon book. I'm not sure how to say this...but...I think my family didn't have as much gas. ha;) But they still did a little. I was really hoping that there won't be any! ha;) We don't eat them much because of that! ha;)
After having my baby (who is 16 months now) I have been having issues with my Crohn's Disease again! I think from lack of sleep, hormones and natural cortizone dropping. I'm starting over on Phase I. I don't want to have to get the Remicade IVs again!
Thanks for your blog!
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