When you have little ones, you soon find out how many toys are necessary to keep their little hands occupied. I mean, many household objects can be converted into toys- like kitchen tools- but you also need a good sized, rotating stash of age appropriate toys.
So many toys these days are loaded with toxins, particularly in plastics- but it can also be hard to continually purchase new wooden toys, which although awesome, can be significantly more expensive than their conventional plastic counterparts.
That's why I was so excited when I recently discovered Green Toys, a California based company that manufactures all their toys in the USA, using recycled milk jugs that contain no lead, phthalates, or BPA. They are made from #4 plastic, polyethylene, which even Dr. Mercola recommends as safe.
Yeah! Affordable toxin free toys!And they are so adorable!My little Micah received this stacking toy & bath boat for his 1st birthday from Grandma & Grandpa:
Aren't these just precious? They have so many other cute products as well! I am particularly smitten with this fire truck and chef set.They also have building blocks and feeding products as well, like cups, plates, and forks and spoons for babies and toddlers. And everything is toxin free! Check them out at their website, Green Toys, and purchase them at Amazon.com. Amazon has some great deals. And you'll see from the reviews that others like them as much as I do!
Enjoy your toxin free, affordable toys with your little ones!
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