Fortunately, I have some great news for you! Getting sick is preventable. It all comes back to the strength of your immune system, which is completely in your hands! There are many factors which influence immune system health- like getting enough sleep, eating the right life giving foods, and exercising. But there are some other measures you can take as well to support your immune system's health, which will in turn support your overall health!
If you want to keep your health in optimal form this winter, then you have got to check out Garden of Life's new Immune Balance line. It is truly phenomenal! My husband is calling it his miracle.
There are several products they have designed to keep you healthy this cold & flu season- and anytime of the year, really. I was so thrilled when Garden of Life sent me some to try first hand- and let me tell you, they work!!!
First, because the best defense is a good offense, they have the Immune Balance Daily, which is designed to keep you from fighting sickness in the first place.

Give your body a boost and keep your immune system functioning in an extraordinary way- and you won't have to spend time fighting illness! Check out this link for more specific info about this awesome supplement.
However, if you still find yourself fighting something, for whatever reason- you've been busy and stressed and haven't gotten enough sleep, you've been eating poorly, or you forgot to take your Immune Balance Daily, ;) then don't worry! Garden of Life has two awesome products to help you nip any impending sickness in the bud. Just take them when you feel like you are "fighting" something!

My husband took one round of the Rapid Extra Strength vitamins when he felt that he was fighting a cough. In fact, he took them right before traveling to another state for 10 days. Under those circumstances, he would normally either fight the cough the entire trip, or come down with it once he got home. However, because he took the Rapid Extra Strength lozenges, not only did he completely ward off the cough, but he stayed healthy once he got home too!
Seriously, these products work! I can think of no better tool for your wellness arsenal- stock up on some in case you start feeling under the weather, and take the Immune Balance Daily to keep yourself from getting there in the first place!
There are also several other products in the new Immune Balance line- check them out here at Garden of Life's site. They have some awesome products for sinus health, for yeast & gluten free diets, and also for keeping your digestive tract rid of excessive yeast.
You can purchase these awesome supplements at any health food store, and also online. Just Google Garden of Life Immune Balance to find out some purchasing options!
So do yourself and your loved ones a favor this cold & flu season- pick up some Immune Balance supplements and stay healthy this winter!
garden of life should thank you, cuz I'm buying this product right away!!
Prudence, you won't regret it! :) Be sure to let me know what you think!
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