When it comes to feeding babies, it can be overwhelming at times! If you venture to the store, you'll find all sorts of small jars with mushy food inside, labeled by stages. But how do you know what's actually best for baby, and what will promote optimal health?
I wondered these same questions when Nathaniel was just starting solids. (2 yrs ago already!) After reading about the Weston A. Price foundation in the Maker's Diet, I decided to look at their info on feeding little ones. It has proven so helpful to me, that I wanted to share it with you! Here are their recommendations for what foods to feed baby, and when:
(See the original article here)
Foods By Age
4-6 Months
Minimal solid foods as tolerated by baby
Egg yolk--if tolerated, preferably from pastured chickens, lightly boiled and salted
Banana--mashed, for babies who are very mature and seem hungry
Cod liver oil-- 1/4 teaspoon high vitamin or 1/2 teaspoon regular, given with an eye dropper
6-8 months
Organic liver--grated frozen and added to egg yolk
Pureed meats--lamb, turkey, beef, chicken, liver and fish
Soup broth--(chicken, beef, lamb, fish) added to pureed meats and vegetables, or offered as a drink
Fermented foods--small amounts of yoghurt, kefir, sweet potato, taro, if desired
Raw mashed fruits--banana, melon, mangoes, papaya, avocado
Cooked, pureed fruits--organic apricot, peaches, pears, apples, cherries, berries
Cooked vegetables--zucchini, squash, sweet potato, carrots, beets, with butter or coconut oil
8-12 months
Continue to add variety and increase thickness and lumpiness of the foods already given from 4-8 months
Creamed vegetable soups
Homemade stews--all ingredinets cut small or mashed
Dairy--cottage cheese, mild harder raw cheese, cream, custards
Finger foods--when baby can grab and adequately chew, such as lightly steamed veggie sticks, mild cheese, avocado chunks, pieces of banana
Cod liver oil--increase to 1/2 teaspoon high vitamin or 1 teaspooon regular dose
Over 1 Year
Grains and legumes--properly soaked and cooked
Crispy nut butters--see recipes in Nourishing Traditions
Leafy green vegetables--cooked, with butter
Raw salad vegetables--cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
Citrus fruit--fresh, organic
Whole egg--cooked
Again, see the original article here, from the Weston A. Price Foundation.
1 comment:
3 Studies PROVE How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.
This means that you actually kill fat by consuming coconut fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 studies from large medical magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
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