When we lived in California, I used to buy Alvarado Street sprouted pizza crusts, and we would make our own homemade pizza. YUM! I haven't seen those available in this part of the country, but one pre-made organic pizza I do enjoy is made by Amy's Kitchen, one of the largest retailers of natural and organic pre-made foods, like soups, burritos, and pizza.
If you have the patience and the skill, you can make your own pizza, complete with your own dough. My Mom used to sprout her own wheat berries, dehydrate and mill them, and make her own sprouted wheat dough. Her pizza was beyond phenomenal!
I don't have the patience for all those steps these days, with two little ones running around, so my plan of action for our next date is to buy an Amy's organic whole wheat cheese & pesto pizza at Whole Foods, and ask them to heat it up for me in their pizza oven!
Why didn't I think of that last weekend?
I definitely consider this a treat of sorts- I wouldn't necessarily incorporate it into our family's menu all the time, but sometimes- you just want a nice pizza, and you don't want to (or can't) make it yourself.
Meanwhile, I'm still hoping for that Maker's Diet restaurant within 10 minutes of my house, though. ;)
A "Maker's Diet" restaurant would be fabulous ;) :) I LOVe Amy's Kitchen pizzas. They are the only o nes that don't make me feel yucky after eating them. My favorite is just the basic cheese pizza with organic everything. That's my favorite :) :) It's a bit spendy, but I've found the best price at my local Fred Meyer store!!!
Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Amy's Pizza made with rice crust is good too :).
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